
Saturday, December 29, 2007

We love Pacifier.... Now where did I put those money tree seeds?

Imagine our good fortune on Thursday when Pacifier calls to tell us that they are all out of the Super Grover shirt that K8 ordered online. Bummer, until K8 asks offhand if they happen to have the Phil & Teds Sport stroller, in orange of course, that we've been drooling over. Not only do they but it's 15% off! They even offered to assemble it before we got there.

When we go to pick it up that evening we get a full demo on assembly and it's variety of functions. With everything else in the store 25% off right now, it's a surprise we made it out with only a hat, a book, and the stroller.

If you're looking for a way to spend some of that x-mas money on some super cool stuff for the kids definitely stop by Pacifier. Just be ready to be patient with the parking.

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